How to Find Holy Perfection In Painful Moments

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash.

What if every single moment of your life has been absolute, holy perfection? 

Meaning, no mistakes have ever occurred.

Meaning, every single person you’ve met, engaged with, loved, loathed, and left were perfectly orchestrated to fall into your life at just the right moment. 

Now, what if each and every one of those moments was called to you, by you, so you could experience exactly the experience you wanted, and the universe so loved you it answered each of those calls with a resounding, love-filled YES!

How might it feel to live in the world knowing you’re 100% supported? That each and every desire of your soul is being worked upon by the universe in absolute commitment to your unfolding?

Finding Holy Perfection in Pain

At the height of my depression, I was immovable. 

Literally, sometimes my body wouldn’t move. I would lie on my side in bed for hours, knees curled into my chest, eyes squeezed shut tight against everything I didn’t want to see, chin tucked down, unable and unwilling to fully breathe. 

My thoughts were also immovable. There were only a few, and they repeated themselves endlessly: I can’t do this. I’m worthless. Please, just let me die. Please, take this all away. No one loves me. No one loves me. No one loves me.

I didn’t know who I was begging for release. I didn’t believe in God – or perhaps it’s more apt to say I thought he was a giant asshole: He created pain and suffering and then left us to rot in it. 

That’s all I thought my world was, all I thought it had to offer: pain, and suffering.

Looking back now, I’m struck at how true it all felt. I “knew” my thoughts about myself were perfectly correct. You couldn’t have shown me any evidence that proved otherwise (believe me, people tried). 

I was utterly convinced of the futility of being alive on this planet. 

This I told myself, repeatedly. I believed it, firmly and without question. I “knew” it to be fact as much as I knew the physical law of gravity to be fact: It simply was, forever and without end, amen.

But here’s the thing about what we “know” to be true: It will continue to be true until we decide it isn’t anymore. And we can’t decide it isn’t anymore until we experience something so earth-shattering, so mind-altering, so radically opposite to what we’ve “always known,” that to continue to insist on this false “truth” becomes impossible. 

I didn’t know anything different from the belief that life is pain and suffering until I chose, over and over again, to continue living on the planet and having experiences that proved me wrong. 

Trusting Our Perfect Unfolding

Soul calls. Universe answers. 

It gives us everything we want, at all times, without judgment, reservation, or quibbles. It doesn’t question the wisdom of our choices; that isn’t what Love does. 

Love provides all, everything, continuously, and ceaselessly.

My soul felt the need to experience pain and suffering, so the universe handed me all sorts of situations, and brought into my life all sorts of people who were happy to make that happen. 

I wanted to know the depths of despair, loneliness, and helplessness, so the universe said, “Here you go, my love. Ask and you shall receive.” 

And here’s the beautiful thing: Because I was able to so easily and readily manifest all that pain and suffering, it must mean I have the power to manifest the exact opposite, just as quickly and thoroughly as I did the other. 

And in this lies the reason we absolutely CAN trust the universe, wholly and completely: 

It’ll provide for us the exact experiences and people we need to help us develop whatever frequency we want to play with in life. Without fail. 

We call all things to us. Which means we get to choose anew, and begin again, as often as our soul desires. And the universe will respond. It’ll come through. 

What this also means is that there have been no mistakes. Nothing in our lives was by happenstance. 

Yes, even the “bad” stuff. 

This isn’t “spiritual bypassing,” or “toxic positivity,” or any other unhealthy thinking system that victim-blames or refuses to acknowledge and heal trauma in our bodies. 

This is the path to genuine freedom and a return to innocent wholeness. 

Once we really get this – all things have unfolded from absolute benevolence and Love, gifted to us from the universe – we can let go of our old, painful thoughts and beliefs (No one loves me; I’m worthless) and walk in the world with utter confidence and supreme trust, knowing the Universe has our back and there is nothing that appears before us by mistake. 

Nothing is happening to us. Everything is happening for us.  

No Mistakes in Holy Perfection

What are the gifts of every single moment that have brought you to this one, right now, right here? 

What messy, ugly, painful, even traumatic moments brought you gifts of compassion, healing, insight, empathy, kindness, strength, resiliency, creativity, independence, advocacy, Truth, or Love? 

What are the gifts of this exact moment, when you find yourself sitting and reading these words, in the precise space you’re occupying on this huge planet where you could’ve chosen to be anywhere and doing anything

Can you recognize and give genuine thanks for every one of those moments? 

Can you feel gratitude for the loving universe that so supports and cradles you that it will give you everything you desire, and everything you need, before you even realize you need it? 

What a glorious life. What a beautiful world. What a loving God. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts! Drop me a comment below. And if you’re looking for more wonder questions to help you on your journey, download my free 9 Radical Practices action guide!